Confirmation is the anointing with sacred chrism by the bishop or priest, which signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit.
This sacrament gives us special divine strength to share and “defend our faith by word and action
as true witnesses of Christ” and never to be ashamed of his Cross. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1285)
The faith community of St. Mary Parish invites you to prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
We hope that this year of discernment will help to guide you deeper into the Catholic faith and your relationship with Christ. We care about you, respect you, and are honored to walk with you in this part of your faith journey. We are here to help you grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ and to help you be able to share your faith with those around you in word and in deed. During this process, you will receive support and guidance from those at St. Mary Parish along with your sponsor and your family.
At St. Mary Our Lady of the Snows we offer preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation on a readiness basis. When your child feels they are ready to receive the Sacrament they can enroll in Confirmation Prep from 8th grade up to 10th grade. The goal of preparing for and receiving the sacrament of Confirmation is to have full acceptance into the Catholic Church. It is the bridge to the next stages of your Catholic Faith where you join your community in serving the needs of your church.
**This sacrament should not be looked at as the end of catechism or graduation, where you no longer need to come to church. Instead, this is when you are able to take ownership of your faith. It will no longer only be the faith of your family and friends, but it will YOUR faith now. You can choose to help spread the Gospel or be Jesus' hands and feet.**
Registration meeting
Sponsor Verification Form
Poster, Saint Report, and Confirmation (Saint) Name
Service Hours
Confirmation Candidate Interviews
Location: St. Mary Parish
Letter to the Bishop
Confirmation Rehearsal & Mass