We strive to form intentional, faith filled and joyful disciples of Jesus Christ by empowering teen leaders, forming relationships, rooting ourselves in prayer and in our Catholic identity, and most importantly, by participation in the Sacraments.
Life Teen is a movement within the Roman Catholic Church, Life Teen leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.
October 6&20
November 3&17
December 1&15
January 12&26
February 23
March 9&23
April 6
Plus End of year party TBD
Some of you may be saying, now wait a minute! I get it, I really want to go to Mass, but it’s hard. For whatever legitimate reason you may have, here are some helpful and practical tidbits:
If you struggle making it to Mass: Prioritize the same Sunday Mass every week and make it a non-negotiable commitment. Invite a friend or two from youth group to go with you. It takes about 30-60 days to build a new habit, so give yourself grace but don’t give up!
If you have a chaotic schedule: Have a list of all the Sunday Mass times in your area. Every week schedule which one you will make it to and stick to that Mass time. If, for some reason, something comes up outside of your control, have no fear! Consult that list once again.
If your parents don’t go to Mass: First, encourage them to go with you! Explain how this is a priority for you and how it’s a good opportunity for your family to grow. If that doesn’t change, drive yourself or find a friend to drive you. Perhaps Uber or another form of public transportation is even an option for you.
If you feel “checked out” or consistently don’t “get anything out of the Mass”: First, allow yourself to come to grips with the Mass as a mystery. All Sacraments, while celebrated in a physical form are indeed mysteries. Start there, then open your heart to seeing the Mass differently, to actually listening to the words, and being patient with the experience. Learn more about the Mass (I highly recommend Behold the Mystery) and ask the Lord to really open your eyes to seeing this beautiful prayer in a different way.
If you are sick or physically unable to make it to Mass: The Church understands that sometimes our bodies limit us in ways outside of our control and dispenses Sunday Mass for “a serious reason” (CCC 2181). If that is you, it is OK. Stay home, get better, and if possible call the parish and see if there is someone who can bring the Eucharist to your home. For more on this, here is a helpful article.