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Each month, St. Mary Parishioners generously donate items to provide for people in need in our local community. Items collected vary month to month based on the need and seasons. Collections and dates from July, 2022 through June, 2023 are listed below.
Specific items may be dropped off in the Courtyard Lobby during the collection dates only, please. Contact JV in the Parish Office for more details.
School supply lists can be found in the bulletin.
July 15 - August 14
Donation of jars of peanut butter and jelly collection for Community Sharing.
August 15 - September 4
New warms socks and gently used winter jackets/coats for Hope Warming Center.
September 5 - 30
100% cotton brief or hipster panties in white or solid colors only, sizes Girls 8 to Women's Large.
October 1 - 30
Blenkets, hats, gloves, and bed sheets for Carriage Town Ministries.
October 1 - 30
Food donations for the Thanksgiving basket drive.
November 1 - 17
Christmas gift tags can be found on the Christmas Tree in the Courtyard Lobby.
November 19 - December ??
Pet food for the Community Sharing Clients who have fur babies to feed.
January 9 - 30
Full size toiletry items to given to Haven Ministry.
February 6 - 28
Easter basket items fo Children's Village.
March 10 - April 6
Breakfast snack food items to be delivered to Hope Warming Center.
April 21 - May 2
Donate new baby items for We Care Pregnancy Center.
May 12 - May 31
Donation of personal hygiene items, such as tooth brushes, razors, shampoo, feminine hygiene products, etc., for the Vista Maria child welfare agency.
June 5 - 19