The Ten Commandments of a Happy Married Life

St. Mary, Our Lady of the Snows

The 10 Commandments of a Happy Married Life

As presented by Fr. Placido during his October 6 homily

  1. Remember, marriage is a 100/100 proposition. It is not 50/50.
  2. Neglect the whole world rather than each other.
  3. Never meet or part without an affectionate hug or a smile.
  4. Each day, say at least one nice thing to each other.
  5. Never go to bed angry. Settle all differences before the sun goes down.
  6. Do not argue. Always talk things over.
  7. Never have an argument, instead have a dialog. In an argument, someone has to win,
    but in a dialogue, it is a win/win situation.
  8. Never bring up mistakes of the past. Do not nag or indulge in fault finding. 
  9. When you have made a mistake, say, “I am sorry” and ask for forgiveness.
  10. Never raise your voice or shout at each other unless the house is on fire.

Make Christ the center of your married life. Sanctify your marriage, and you will sanctify your family.

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