Parish Wide Volunteer Opportunities

Parish Wide Volunteer Opportunities

These are opportunities to volunteer that help our whole parish.

Altar Server: This is a wonderful way to serve our Lord, our parish and our community. This is open for all, 4th graders that have received their first communion through adulthood.

Children's Liturgy of the Word Presenter: During our Sunday 10 am Mass, we call all the children ages 3-7 years old to hear the liturgy in a children friendly way. The presenter will read the first reading and the Gospel and help the kids with the responses. The presenter should be an adult, but we also look for middle schooler or high schooler helpers. We provide all training materials and the typical service is once every 4-6 weeks.

Faith Formation Commission Member: Please become a Commission Member, you will be able to give your input on the spiritual formation of the parish. They currently meet monthly, Sept-May on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Childcare: We have many events that go on here at St Mary and we have many people that would love to come to these events but have little ones that they can't leave at home. We ask for highschoolers and adults to come hang out and play with the kids in the nursery during our events. We offer a stipend for this ministry.

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